Monday, July 18, 2011

Purpose of this blog...

The purpose of the this blog is to provide a neutral space to have an open discussion about Mr. Yi. The congregation has the right to know the facts about Mr. Yi.


MJH said...



Anonymous said...

We all believe that the church of God should be run by God,unlike any other societies. Voting in our congregational meeting is not the sole route of resolving our problem of today,but maybe this is the only way as of now. Whether pastor Yi stays or leave, the antagonistic feeling among the members still exists. In realty,pastor Yi is the main reason of our conflict.

"Exousia" and some members (even some pastors) indicated that :
(1)leaving of previous senior pastor is the main reason of our problem today.
(2)They also stated that our church has previouly divided.


Pastors,brothers & sisters,what are you saying above make me sad. Your teaching and your behaviors make me feel uncertain.
Is the harmony in you working together & serving God at DCBC then is a fake situation?
Are pastors all wearing phony masks in teaching the congregation & serving God?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do you know that Yi never went back to three churches that HE SERVED before?
Interesting!!! Why??? Go to ask him.
Rumor?? No. It is true.
It can be found out in the internet and you can call the church to prove it too.

repeat said...

After pastor Yi left three churches he served before, he never went back to those churches.
Why? ?? Let me tell you.
(1)Milwaukee Chinese Christian Church.
He got the elder position after being member there for only one year, because he told the church that he was chairman of elder and deacon board at previous church.
(a)He objected to the retirement benefits (amount) of the founding pastor.
(b)He made a good relationship with the English minister and formed his own group of members.
(c)He was strongly against buying a church building. After the church building was purchased, the church expanded more than twice in attendees.
(d) Other elders and church members were very bothered by his egomania in serving God. After he found a new job in CA, he still didn’t agree to resign the elder’s position. Finally the church had to remove his membership. (Mrs. Yi stood up in the congregation meeting to protest the decision.)
(2) Tri-City Chinese Baptist Church
Mr. Yi was in CA a total of three years. He rose from a layman to minister and then PASTOR. He left this church less than two year after he had been ordained as a pastor.
When he got a job in CA, he went to this Chinese church. He befriended the elder pastor. Soon after he lost his job(not he Gave it up) he became the church’s minister. He again formed a very good relationship with English pastor. Somehow he made the elder pastor ordained him as a pastor soon after the elder pastor removed another young pastor. After he became the pastor, he didn’t agree with the elder pastor. He threatened the church by resigning with the English pastor.(Maybe it will happen at DCBC)

Before he went to Minnesota Mandarin Christian Church, he and another pastor (pastor Chang) looked for a church together.
Who is pastor Chang?
Pastor Chang was the pastor of the Twin City Chinese Christian Church after Rev. Huang a well-known and respected leader left. Then Pastor Chang was removed by that church. Then Pastor Chang formed the current Minnesota Mandarin Christian Church which was the church Pastor Yi served before he came to DCBC.
Pastor Chang left the US and is living in Taiwan.
Do you get an idea how Pastor Yi landed in MMCC?
(3) Minnesota Mandarin Christian Church
This small church became even smaller after the pastorYi served there.
There are some things that I don’t want to disclose, but I want to point out that pastor Yi never went back to the church. That church is now suffering from membership loss and does not have a pastor.

What I have written above is true.
An obvious continuing pattern is that Pastor Yi is very good in building his small group and he uses these people to support him. If he doesn’t think you are the kind of person he wants (e.g. people bitter with the church), you will not be recruited.
This is objective but is true.
You can use this synopsis of pastor Yi’s past to compare with the ongoing struggles at DCBC. In the two years, it is how and why DCBC is divided.

马有藻牧师9/30/11培灵会1 said...


敬虔的外貌是指这个人很会讲属灵的话,口中感谢主前感谢主后,赞美神 前赞美神 后;所以他讲的话非常有吸引力!在讲台上很有台风,很丝丝文文讲道,不会要得罪人;大家都欢喜高兴他;可是他却背了敬虔的实意!他有满口属灵的话,但是他的做法却是很厉害的:他很会玩弄权柄!他会表面答应你,转个弯来变成他没有答应你。你问他:“你昨天答应我了!”他却回答说:“我忘记了!”这是有敬虔的外貌,却背了敬虔的实意!有些人呢,信仰是有神论,可是他们的生活却是无神论。

马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会1 said...

对不起,我犯了一个HONEST MISTAKE,应该是马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会。

马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会2 said...


今天我一方面很开心看见你们,另一方面我也很痛心!主耶稣将我们的生命买赎回来,所以如果我们有一个不爱主的生命,我们就是猪狗不如!一个爱教会的人是一个有成熟生命的人;不爱教会的人他的生命是对教会的事不理不睬,他们只懂得吵吵闹闹丶无理取闹丶有理取闹!主耶稣基督都给他们弄得啼笑皆非!我们看见教会最近还发生很多问题,发现很多人都失去了对教会的爱。让我们一起来祷告,求神给我们一个爱 神爱教会的心(热爱),希望每一个人都有一个舍己爱自己教会的心(热爱)。

我们一生下就进入一个家庭里面,我们对这个家庭有使命丶有责任,我们要做一个好孩子丶好儿女;我们长大了,要做一个好丈夫丶好妻子丶好爸爸丶好妈妈丶好女婿.......好东好西,好得不得了;因为我们爱自己的家!我们信主以后,我们就多了一个家庭,就是 神的家。我们有爱神家的使命;每一个人都有一个爱神家的责任,那个使命和责任都没有改变过。爱的层面多一点了,爱的对象多一点了,人多了意见就多了;但是那个爱的层面不应该减少,爱的本质不应该改变!我们要将对自己家的那种爱延伸到对教会的爱;爱自己的家如同爱神的家,我们不会也不应该伤害神的家;正如我们不会故意地伤害自己的家。我们不要在自己的家里好得不得了,在神的家里差得不得了;我们在自己家里是绵羊,在神的家里是豺狼。但愿我们DCBC每一个人都不是豺狼,每一个都是绵羊!

Anonymous said...

Got the letter from Pastor Yi yesterday afternoon in the mailbox.

He stated in his letter:

"I will resign from DCBC as your Senior Pastor. My last day with DCBC will follow the Bylaw requirement."

At first, I thought he resigned already and no need to go to Church to vote any more this coming Sunday. However, when I read the letter more, I realized he said he would resign, which means it has NOT happened yet.

In realty when someone resigns, he submits his resignation letter to his supervisor first. After working out the transition plan of his work and last day with his supervisor, he then notified everyone else in his work place about his resignation.

How interesting Pastor Yi notified the congregation first about something seems to be fact but actually has not happened yet. Should he submit his resignation letter to the Elders and Deacon Board first? Should he work out a transition plan and his last with Church leaders second? Then he notifies the congregation last?

He did not mention the exact date when he formally submits the letter of his resignation at all. Is he going to submit as he claimed? What is the actual date ?

Also about his last day, in my limited understanding, according to the Bylaw, a Senior Pastor needs to submit his resignation letter 6 months ahead of time. So does it mean he can stay in our church as a Senor Pastor for another 6 months after this uncertain date when he would resign?

His letter is not clear and ambiguous. It is very misleading.

We definitely need to go to Church to vote this coming Sunday.

Anonymous said...

I really feel he still try to manipulate us. I am so frustrated about this situation. Pray God give our Elders and leaders wisdom

马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会3 said...



马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会4 said...

罗马10:10(因为人心里相信,就可以称义;口里承认,就可以得救。)罗12:1(所以弟兄们!我以神的慈悲劝你们,将身体献上,当作活祭,是圣洁的,是 神所喜悦的;你们如此侍奉,乃是理所当然的。) 保罗是对那些得救的人讲话,是劝勉他们把生命的主权交给神。所以我发现主权得救论跟圣经在很多的地方不和谐。主权得救论不是DCBC的传统信仰,也不是传统福音派的信仰;主权得救论把主和救主分开,认为主和救主是分开的。可是在圣经里面我们发现主是代表神的另一个名字;比如:主耶和华说丶主神说,这些名字在大小先知书里出现千百多次;主耶稣基督诞生时,天使有一个宣言:“今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了一个救主,就是主基督。”所以你接受耶稣,就是接受真神。外邦人称他们的神为主,我们称主耶稣基督是我们的主;所以我们看见主和救主是同一个名字。主耶稣基督的12个门徒中有一个叫多马的,他一看见主耶稣基督复活以后,马上大声喊叫说:“我的主,我的神啊!”因为复活就是主耶稣基督是神的明证!保罗说你们只要承认相信耶稣基督是神,你们就得救了。


YHG said...

Every DCBC member needs to ask the following questions: Why did Mr. Yi send his resignation letter to every DCBC member instead of church leaders only? Why did he send the "response to elders" letter to his supporters and then resignation letter to all members at almost same time/day? What is his real purpose? resignation, or just gaining a advantage on voting, or stopping the voting at all?

Please come to vote on 10/09 unless Mr. Yi signs a resignation agreement with church leaders to resign immediately.

马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会5 said...


马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会6 said...



马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会7 said...



马有藻牧师9/29/11培灵会8 said...



Anonymous said...

There was a meeting tonight at 6PM for Pastor Yi supporters. Not sure why he has meetings that are not open to the entire congregation. These exclusive meetings lead to disunity.

I pray that our church will have a spirit of unity. I also pray that members will not drag past hurts into the current debate. Most importantly, I pray that our church will be able to find a Godly Senior Pastor and English Pastors soon.

YHG said...

Now I know why Mr. Yi insisted his last day in DCBC will be Oct 31 instead of resigning immediately. because he needs 3 more weeks to play the following games:

1. Try to take over DCBC by changing current elders, and deacon board. In 2nd day after Yi sent his resignation letter, he sent a letter to ask the elders to resign/to be removed. But our by-law never mentions that the elders are removable. The elders have not done anything wrong. So the elders do not need to worry because we (congregations) are supporting you.

2. Give the pressure to the church leaders by having a few pastors who support Yi to resign. This will not success because our congregation will realize that their activities neither help us to re-unit our church nor show their loving to our church and our church could survive even without them.

3. Control deacon board election by manipulating the deacon candidate list. Our elders have to take the role of senior pastors in the process of finding deacon candidates.

Satan is continuing to try to divide and destroy our church. But God will protect us.

Matthew 4:10: Jesus said to him, "Away from me. Satan!"

Psalms 23:4: Even through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Anonymous said...

YHG, Can you post Pastor Yi's letter which requests Elders to be removed here? And do you know from which Church leaders I can go to verify this information?

YHG said...

The letter was sent to the elders by Yi. You could verify this by contacting the elders if needed.

Anonymous said...

YHG, Yes, I will verify with the elders and all the deacons. This matter is getting from bad to worse partly because there are too many rumors flying around. And the fact that church members are being fed with bits and pieces of information. It is hard for me to believe the other pastors would take their actions lightly.

Anonymous said...

(continue on the last Anonymous's comment...) To me, the other pastors' actions signify two possible things: 1) They really love playing politics in the church. Or 2) They are sick of seeing others playing politics in the church.

GBD said...

I have a dream:
If Mr. Yi was not in DCBC in the past 2 years, our brothers/sisters would not fight against other brothers/sisters in families, fellowship groups and church. We would still have a sister fellowship/ministry. We would not lose 5 pastors/ministers including our respected Min. Auyeung. We would have more time to focus on EE, and missionary trips.....

My dream will become true as Mr. Yi is leaving. Please reunite, forgive each other and build a better and stronger DCBC. God bless DCBC.

Anonymous said...

GBD said...
I have a dream:
If Mr. Yi was not in DCBC in the past 2 years, our brothers/sisters would not fight against other brothers/sisters in families, fellowship groups and church. We would still have a sister fellowship/ministry. We would not lose 5 pastors/ministers including our respected Min. Auyeung. We would have more time to focus on EE, and missionary trips.....


I don't understand how and why everything is directly caused by Pastor Yi alone. I am sure if anyone wants to step up and lead EE, missionary trips, sister fellowship, cooking, or whatever ministry that is good for expanding God's kingdom. No one will ever stop him/her. Please enlighten me...

GBD said...

Why have the situations occurring this year never happened in past 40 years of DCBC history? What was the root cause? Everyone needs to think about these question.

Anonymous said...

GBD said...
Why have the situations occurring this year never happened in past 40 years of DCBC history? What was the root cause? Everyone needs to think about these question.

Never happened!? Or is it a repeated pattern? (Pastors come and go like changing fashion ;) ) I agree with you that we need to reflect on these questions and see if it is our own problem or not.

GBD said...

These are the "situations" I mentioned in my previous message: In over 40 years of DCBC history, there has never been any other pastor like Yi, who was lying in his resume, made our pastoral staff, deacon board and congregation so divided. I heard that Yi caused conflictions in even some of our families because the husband (or wife) is supporting him while the wife (or husband) is against him.....

Troy Chen said...

可否請DCBC兄姊講清楚到底伊慶荔牧師發生了什麽事情,爲什麽要離開?另外爲什麽林以勒(Jereh Lin)牧師也離開?

Anonymous said...

What Mr Yi had done is totally wrong. Why do I say so?

I will assume that all that Mr Yi's resume was a pure mistake and names that he put on his resume is genuine.

A good pastor is not going to make a church to split, if a good pastor sees the church is splitting because of him he should be the one first to sacrifice to save the church.

Mr Yi did not take that path and remain in DCBC and cause the emotions in DCBC to boil.

As Pastor Andy mentioned "A pastor is just a slightly better lamb in the eyes of our Lord." We need to know who is our real leader. Pastor Andy continue to say "Our real leader is the one above, our savior, Jesus Christ".

If our Pastors isn't our ultimate leader why do we chose to leave the church because our pastor left?. Therefore it saddens me that because of Mr Yi's problem cause our dear church to split.

Why Pastor PJ and Pastor Andy leave I do not know but I know their action of leaving DCBC they have their own reason but I still respect for them in my hearts.

Please remember we are all God's children before Mr. Yi's arrival, during and even after his departure. Please reconcile with your brothers and sisters in the church so that we can together serve our Lord as a big family.


Anonymous said...

Been three years, since Pastor Yi's (and rest of the staff) departure from DCBC, and this year she, the church, found a new Senior Pastor, still seem divided.